Religious faiths and beliefs have always been a spark of controversy, hate, arguments and made a great divide for humanity throughout the history of the world. Many claim to say that theirs is the true religion or claims that you will be punished for not believing in the truth they offer or even kill others for their own beliefs. For some, they do not believe in the concept of God and worse, they use religion as an excuse for profit and brainwash people and make them do crazy things.
I personally do not believe in organized religion but i do believe that God is real who does not judging us for who we are. I do strongly believe in Peace, Respect and Love for all and to use our intellectual integrity to bring us closer.
Religions are supposed to be guides in life which come in different context and creeds. It's sole purpose it lead you to the right path, the right order and do the right thing. There isn't a perfect religion in this world. It is not made to harm anyone. It is meant to promote peace, love and respect for all of living and non living things alike. It's like a text book where we get knowledge yet could be revised any time at any moment or add some new information or data.
Why can't we all co-exist? I would like to share a great quote which may unite us in faith in truth, love and respect.
Only the invisible God is Real.
Only the unspeakable Truth is valid.
Only the unseen Universe is eternal.
When our heart's rest in the invisible, the unspoken, and the unseen, then we will find our way Home.